Cristiano Schaffer Aguzzoli, PhD

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Cristiano Schaffer Aguzzoli, PhD

Home » Researchers » Early career researchers in FTD » Cristiano Schaffer Aguzzoli, PhD
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  • Cristiano Schaffer Aguzzoli, PhD
  • Position: Research Associate
  • Brain Institute of Rio Grande do Sul (BraIns)
  • Very early-onset FTD, neuropsychiatric symptoms

What is your area of research as it relates to FTD?

Neuropsychiatric symptoms as prodromal manifestations of FTD.

What inspired you to do FTD research?

I evaluated a patient who developed very early-onset behavioral variant FTD (24 years of age) during the second year of my residency program in Neurology

What challenges have you faced in FTD research?

Late referrals from the primary care assistance

What hopes do you have for FTD research?

To find biomarkers and treatment